

Class Sub-Class Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Region IDsort ascending
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 013,04 km/h 01 Dec 1993 Gordon R. Beck (USA) ratified - current record World 905
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling over 30 m): 115-d 55 min 06 sec 05 Dec 1993 Robert Randolph (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 904
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1 100,05 km/h 27 Sep 1993 Stuart Robertson (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 903
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F3 Open Distance in a straight line: 142 455.23 km 28 Sep 1983 Maynard Hill (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 902
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 726,49 km/h 19 Nov 1993 Paul V. Davis II (USA) ratified - current record World 897
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 85,25 km/h 12 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - current record World 896
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 34,92 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - current record World 895
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 30,61 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 894
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 41,40 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - current record World 893
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 38,27 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 892
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 248,78 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 891
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 328,95 km/h 14 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - current record World 890
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 348,19 km/h 12 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 889
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 317,57 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 888
Powered Aeroplanes C-1d Speed over a recognised course 313,55 km/h 07 Nov 1993 Dietrich Schmitt (GER) ratified - superseded since approved World 887
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 289,51 km/h 20 Nov 1972 Leslie K. Smith (AUS) ratified - superseded since approved World 886
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 277,61 km/h 22 Nov 1972 Leslie K. Smith (AUS) ratified - current record World 884
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 305,23 km/h 15 Sep 1989 Eric Howard Wheatley (AUS) ratified - current record World 883
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 295,65 km/h 15 Sep 1989 Eric Howard Wheatley (AUS) ratified - current record World 882
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 196,49 km/h 25 Apr 1984 Peter H. Norvill (AUS) ratified - superseded since approved World 881
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 207,79 km/h 25 Apr 1984 Peter H. Norvill (AUS) ratified - superseded since approved World 880
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 191,94 km/h 25 Apr 1984 Peter H. Norvill (AUS) ratified - current record World 879
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 253,88 km/h 01 Mar 1986 Trevor C. J. Potter (AUS) ratified - current record World 878
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 295,10 km/h 28 Feb 1986 Trevor C. J. Potter (AUS) ratified - current record World 877
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 935,98 km/h 12 Nov 1993 Hans L. Lagerloef (USA) ratified - current record World 875
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 323,97 km/h 07 Nov 1993 James R. Lyle (USA) ratified - current record World 874
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 323,97 km/h 07 Nov 1993 James R. Lyle (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 873
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 277,35 km/h 23 May 1985 John Thomas Robinson (AUS) ratified - superseded since approved World 872
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 15,31 km/h 16 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 871
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 27,28 km/h 16 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 870
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 123,95 km/h 16 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 869
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 59,36 km/h 12 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 868
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 17,93 km/h 09 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 867
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 199,48 km/h 09 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 866
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 21,26 km/h 09 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 865
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 119,26 km/h 09 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 864
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Speed over a recognised course 184,15 km/h 09 Jun 1993 Victor Davies (GBR) ratified - current record World 863
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Distance over a closed course 4 007,92 km 31 Oct 1993 Frank Gary Hertzler (USA) ratified - current record World 862
Powered Aeroplanes C-1b Speed over a recognised course 646,63 km/h 26 Jan 1993 Henry M. Bouley, Jr (USA) ratified - current record World 861
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 37 min 12 sec 20 Jul 1992 Robert Randolph (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 860
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 35 min 43 sec 30 Jun 1991 András Reé (HUN) ratified - superseded since approved World 859
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 34 min 07 sec 29 Sep 1984 James Richmond (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 858
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 32 min 27 sec 07 Jun 1981 Dezso Orsovai (HUN) ratified - superseded since approved World 857
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 30 min 07 sec 26 Aug 1970 Jiry Kalina (TCH) ratified - superseded since approved World 856
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1 Open Duration (ceiling 8 m - 15 m): 115-b 45 min 32 sec 17 Oct 1993 Robert Randolph (USA) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code World 855
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 541,71 km/h 22 Oct 1993 Morris Wortman (USA) ratified - current record World 854
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 251,11 km/h 20 Oct 1993 Clifford A. Pulis (USA) ratified - current record World 853
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 296,95 km/h 20 Oct 1993 Clifford A. Pulis (USA) ratified - current record World 852
Powered Aeroplanes C-1s Greatest payload 73 039 kg 08 Oct 1993 Pamela A. Melroy (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 851
Powered Aeroplanes C-1s Altitude with 70 000 kg payload 9 805 m 08 Oct 1993 Pamela A. Melroy (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 850
