FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM)

F1 Free Flight Rankings

Free Flight Ranking positions on March 1 2024

The purpose of the Free Flight Ranking is to demonstrate the relative merit of performances by competitors on a continued basis. Results are included from all Championships and World Cup events in each class.

The ranking score from an event consists of two components added together:

a) a results part with points awarded on the same basis as the World Cup

b) a ranking position component. This allocates points according to how well a competitor’s performance compares to others – points awarded if he has placed above higher-ranked competitors and points subtracted if he has been beaten by lower-ranked competitors.

The scores form events in the last 12 months are counted in full. Events between 12 and 24 months have scores reduced linearly so that events older than 24 months make no contribution to the ranking. A total of 6 events can be counted to make the competitor’s ranking score, except that all negative scores are counted.

The ranking is evaluated every 2 months. The results contributing to each competitor’s score are shown in the format XY15=nn+pp where XY is the abbreviation for the World Cup event or WC or EC or AC for World, European or Asian Championships, 15 indicates an event in 2015, nn shows the results points (a) and pp shows the ranking position points (b) which will be preceded by + or – sign.

Class F1A

Position Name NAC Ranking score place change since previous ranking Score change since previous ranking Results since last ranking Other contributions to current score Results not contributing to score
1 Per Findahl SWE 3577 0 -58 MM24=558-3 KW24=459-10 NA24=170-30 SZ23=676 BC23=604 MM23=587 NA23=580 KW23=575 PT23=550-10 NN23=516-3 SW23=490-3 DS23=458-13 SL23=416-56 WC23=412-60 WB22=320 EC22=300 SB22=281-1 BU23=263-16 BE23=269-83 ME23=209-26 FS22=177-1 NO22=176-1 BU22=153-6 SE22=113-3 PR22=106-28 CR23=143-70 AV23=88-16 BC22=15 SW22=14 DW22=6 EA22=3
2 Matija Hrast SLO 3266 0 + 23   SZ23=640+36 CR23=583 ZA23=546-3 SM23=516+10 KC23=501-3 DS23=480-6 CV22=0-1 SM22=0-33 KC22=344 SL23=340-40 EC22=235+4 DM22=215+1 MV23=187-43 HO23=157-40 SZ22=85-2 CR22=68-15 SL22=48-10 MV22=46-19 PR22=48-28 DW22=4
3 Robert Hellgren SWE 3098 0 + 24   WC23=643+20 SL23=567+43 AV23=584+6 SZ23=516+23 ME23=535 SW23=393+3 SE22=0-6 EC22=0-56 BE23=0-173 PT23=332-46 BC23=220-26 NO22=69-3 PR22=71-28 FS22=25-5 BC22=16 SW22=11 EA22=4
4 Jes Nyhegn DEN 3056 + 7 + 357 MM24=610+3 KW24=407-13 NA24=0-66 NC23=591+13 WC23=540+23 SL23=470+80 SZ23=404+53 JT22=0-7 FS22=0-12 SW23=0-20 JT23=0-20 NA23=323+15 MM23=226+5 NO22=91 SL22=11-10
5 Dusan Fric CZE 2990 -1 + 24   GU23=620+3 CZ23=615+3 SZ23=604+13 WC23=561-3 CR23=494-3 MV23=471-13 SZ22=0-30 ZA23=0-66 WB23=0-83 BE23=0-196 SL23=448-26 DS23=414-13 PT23=411-36 HO22=348+9 KC22=260-3 HC22=253-3 PR22=248+1 EC22=210-7 DM22=191-2 HO23=215-33 CR22=180-3 MV22=149-4 ZA22=138-13 SM23=193-76 SL22=85-4 SM22=87-16 HC23=76-50 KR22=17 SP22=15-1
6 Emmanuel Ragot FRA 2922 -1 -31   WB23=612 PT23=587-3 AG23=582 PL23=525-3 GU23=477-10 WC23=444-46 CZ23=0-70 BE23=0-173 SZ23=436-43 HS23=369-30 PL22=332 EC22=265 BU22=218 PR22=213-5 HS22=172-6 BE22=150-8 EF22=154-19 SZ22=105 SL22=95 SL23=157-130

Class F1B

1 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 3471 + 7 + 621 MM24=625+13 KW24=577+10 NA24=575+10 CR23=596+23 DS23=511+20 SZ23=481+30 WB23=394+3 ZA22=336+20 BE23=348-10 MM23=294-15 SM23=196-13 KW23=179-18 MV23=139-10 SL23=133-23 SB22=94+1 CZ23=111-16 HO22=84+5 PT23=124-70 NA23=88-41
2 Adam Krawiec POL 3391 0 + 31   CZ23=594+6 DS23=592+3 ZA23=588+3 HC23=580 KC23=578 SM23=540 KC22=0-18 HO22=0-29 PR22=0-46 HO23=501+3 WB23=491+3 PT23=496-10 WC23=492-26 SL23=460-10 SZ23=459-10 SP23=311-10 HA23=280-3 MV23=267-16 CR22=231 SB22=200-3 EC22=174-16 CR23=150-23 KR23=136-16 SZ22=111 SL22=90-1 CC22=84 GZ22=83 ZA22=91-13 HC22=82-6 DM22=59-6 HA22=43 KR22=21 SP22=5
3 Bruce Hao AUS 3383 -2 -52 NA24=415-20 MM24=348-33 KW24=233-50 NA23=591+111 AS23=583 AC23=581 SC23=580 SR23=502-3 MM23=378+105 WW23=0-13 MG23=0-16 TM23=0-16 WC23=471-13 KU23=260-13 KW23=0+2
4 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 3347 0 + 9 MM24=449-13 KW24=422-16 NA24=394-20 SM23=601 MV23=598 GU23=598 HS23=596 HO23=589+3 PL23=590 SM22=0-8 ZA22=0-14 HA23=0-16 SL23=0-80 BE23=0-110 KR23=518-3 SP23=453-6 PT23=451-26 ZA23=394-6 KC22=363+1 WB22=315 PR22=279+2 CF22=259-1 SZ23=252-43 MV22=186 SB22=140-3 SZ22=91 SL22=56-2 HO22=31-14
5 Aleksandr Starov UKR 3301 0 + 2   SP23=595+26 KR23=594+26 SZ23=575+13 SL23=529+10 CR23=525-3 MV23=463+3 ZA22=0-5 HO23=0-50 HC23=388+6 HO22=335+24 DS23=348-10 WB23=296-10 HC22=275+8 SM23=269-16 CZ23=162-23
6 Yuval Sarig ISR 3258 -3 -99   SL23=622+20 KW23=577+31 NN23=590+3 PT23=511-10 BU23=501-3 HG22=476+8 SZ22=0-2 SL22=0-8 EC22=0-27 PR22=0-31 WC23=482-33 MM23=399+12 NA23=383+12 BU22=209+7 KR23=213-6 HN22=188+10 SP23=149-16 SZ23=132-43

Class F1C

1 Viacheslav Aleksandrov UKR 3589 0 0   SL23=589+43 SZ23=587+33 PT23=597 SM23=583+13 MV23=582+10 WC23=555-3 BE23=412-6 EC22=189+10
2 Yuan Gao CHN 3488 0 + 137 MM24=590 NA24=586 KW24=585 TM23=578 MG23=578 SR23=577 AS23=0-6 KU23=577 WC23=480+36 KW23=465+37 WW23=195+3 AC23=195+3 SC23=194 MM23=0+15
3 Claus-Peter Wachtler GER 2940 0 -78   BE23=589+10 CR23=578 WB23=578 WC23=430+3 GU23=431-3 DS23=387-3 HC22=0-1 HC23=0-6 CZ23=0-10 PT23=0-43 KC22=360+6 DM22=227+2 CR22=118+2 PR22=105+14
4 Darijo Jermol CRO 2719 + 2 + 142 MM24=502 KW24=0-16 NA24=0-23 WC23=638+23 HO23=579 ZA23=576 CR22=226 HO22=218-1 ZA22=0-3 EC22=133-11 DM22=118-1 PR22=79-8
5 Stancho Dobrev BUL 2563 -1 -94   BU23=577 NN23=577 TK23=575 PR23=387 MD23=302 TK22=146 PS22=0-1  
6 Ezra Shemesh ISR 2320 -1 -284   WC23=597+6 PT23=530+3 HG22=470 MM23=278-9 EC22=254+13 PR22=229+7 KW23=0-24 NA23=0-34 HN22=228

Class F1E

1 Jean-Luc Drapeau FRA 2989 + 2 + 24   RB23=595+6 PM23=598+3 OK23=594+3 VL23=479 PA23=484-6 PC23=469-16 GV22=10-14 VL22=0-20 EE22=0-24 FB23=0-36 GV23=0-63 WE23=0-73 TC23=389-23 RA23=365-3 PC22=275+1 TC22=200-5 PE22=166-12 GC22=147-6 BG23=159-33 TZ22=97-12 PM22=83-19 PE23=56-30
2 Jacek Zurowski POL 2953 -1 -90   TZ23=612+23 UE23=609+26 LM23=517+16 GC23=508+20 TC23=409+16 GC22=242+15 PC23=0-60 SG23=203-3 PC22=149+5 TZ22=134+7 TC22=83-5
3 Eugeny Gorban UKR 2866 + 6 + 381 KA24=585+3 CA24=393-3 KA23=558 PA23=543+13 CA23=471-2 WE23=318-13 EE22=219+5 PC22=178-2 PC23=194-60 BG23=86-23
4 Konrad Zurowski POL 2857 -2 -126   WE23=611+43 TC23=580+33 PC23=558+46 LM23=441+10 SG23=310 EE22=267+17 TC22=0-29 PC22=0-30 TZ22=249+10 TZ23=264-13 UE23=247-10 GC23=182-20 GC22=123+4
5 Alexander Winker GER 2667 -1 -142   VL23=602 FB23=593 OK23=518-3 TC23=429-20 PM22=330+3 PC23=372-40 GV23=47-53 PC22=0-45 PE23=0-66 PE22=299+1 TC22=155-14 WE23=181-43 GV22=122-1 EE22=120-11 PM23=139-30 FB22=63 OK22=62 VL22=62-7
6 Florian Draghici ROU 2559 0 -28   RA23=593 RB23=524-3 PC23=485-6 PA23=424 BG23=380-3 TC23=267-36 WE23=0-66 BG22=207-7 PC22=185-5 PA22=172-11 TC22=164-7 VL22=106 GV22=60-5 EE22=60-13 RB22=36+1 RA22=21 SG22=31-12


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