

Class Sub-Class Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Regionsort descending ID
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Free Distance around a triangle course 263.7 km _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15743
Parachuting G-2 Exit altitude 9 802 m 02 Apr 2017 Gabriel Dan Chiriac (ROU) ratified - superseded since approved European 18143
Parachuting G-1 8-way - Longest sequence 29 formations 03 Sep 2013 Russian Federation ratified - superseded since approved European 16925
Parachuting G-2 Exit altitude 10 714 m 03 Dec 2014 Polska Stratosfera (POL) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 17380
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Out-and-return distance 302,1 km 21 Apr 2018 Bojan Gaberšek (SLO) ratified - superseded since approved European 18459
Parachuting G-1 Carved Speed 70m 2,240 sec 04 Nov 2014 Sergey Romanyuk (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 17351
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Free out-and-return distance 212,70 km 17 Aug 2018 Mojca Pišek (SLO) ratified - current record European 18676
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Straight distance 331,2 km 03 May 2014 Seiko Fukuoka Naville (FRA) ratified - current record European 17107
Parachuting G-1 VFS highest average for ten rounds 14,10 points 12 Oct 2018 team RUS VFS (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 18752
Parachuting G-2 Lowest Single Round Score 7,24 sec 23 Aug 2013 Raphael Lautenbacher (GER) ratified - superseded since approved European 16935
Parachuting G-1 Longest time 96,2 sec 26 Aug 2019 Dmitry Podoryashy (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 19080
Parachuting G-1 Drag distance 50 m 195,32 m 30 Jul 2021 Cédric Veiga Rios (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved European 19511
Parachuting G-1 4-way - Longest sequence 34 formations 10 Aug 2021 France ratified - current record European 19551
Parachuting G-2 Lowest Single Round Score 6,70 sec 18 Jul 2022 Léocadie Ollivier de Pury (FRA) ratified - current record European 19717
Gliding DO Speed over a triangular course of 500 km 139,73 km/h 17 Aug 2022 Laszlo Hegedus (HUN) ratified - current record European 19767
Parachuting G-1 Highest average speed 450,77 km/h 22 Oct 2022 Ingrid van Deelen (NED) ratified - superseded since approved European 19828
Parachuting G-2 Consecutive landings on the dead centre disc 7 x 0,00 + 0,01 m 28 Jun 2008 Andrey Savin (RUS) ratified - current record European 15076
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Score after 5 rounds 30,25 sec 06 Oct 2023 Elisha Weber (GER) ratified - current record European 20096
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Distance over a triangular course 110,1 km 19 May 2024 Capucine Deliot (FRA) ratified - current record European 20263
Parachuting G-2 Lowest Single Round Score 6,38 sec 26 Nov 2021 Robin Griesheimer (GER) ratified - current record European 20383
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Free out-and-return distance 152 km _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15758
Parachuting G-1 Carved Speed 70m 2,197 sec 21 Jul 2017 Cédric Veiga Rios (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved European 18191
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Combined Score 20 points 11 Mar 2017 Sebastian Graser (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved European 18135
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 100 km 30.97 km/h _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15987
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Esfera rotations - foot launch 5 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17125
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Infinity tumbling rotations - winch 30 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17157
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Misty flip rotations - winch 25 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17189
Parachuting G-2 25 skydivers 28 Aug 2017 Team/Crew ratified - superseded since approved European 18240
Parachuting G-1 4-way - Longest sequence 43 formations 23 Oct 2015 Belgium ratified - superseded since approved European 17739
Parachuting G-2 Largest Formation 160 skydivers 08 Jul 2009 Team/Crew ratified - superseded since approved European 15661
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Score after 5 rounds 40,11 sec 27 Aug 2015 Léocadie Ollivier de Pury (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved European 17668
Parachuting G-1 8-way - Longest sequence 44 points 19 Apr 2019 France 8 (FRA) ratified - current record European 18903
Parachuting G-2 Lowest Single Round Score 6,56 sec 27 Jul 2019 Petr Chladek (CZE) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code European 19026
Parachuting G-1 Greatest horizontal distance 4,059 km 27 May 2015 Jackie Harper (GBR) ratified - superseded since approved European 19045
Gliding DO Speed over a triangular course of 300 km 143,57 km/h 30 Aug 2019 Laszlo Hegedus (HUN) ratified - superseded since approved European 19093
Gliding DO Speed over a triangular course of 750 km 117,17 km/h 19 Jul 2012 Pilar Muñoz Lopez (ESP) ratified - current record European 16585
Gliding D13 Free triangle distance 679,5 km 24 Jul 2018 Rudolf Schlesinger (AUT) ratified - current record European 19445
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Straight distance 500,86 km 11 Jun 2021 Jouni Makkonen (FIN) ratified - current record European 19480
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Straight distance to a declared goal 329,91 km 25 Jul 2022 Marcelo Sánchez Vílchez (ESP) ratified - superseded since approved European 19748
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 50 km 43,1 km/h 30 Jul 2023 Justin Puthod (FRA) ratified - current record European 19997
Parachuting G-1 Highest average speed 470,61 km/h 07 Oct 2024 Ingrid van Deelen (NED) ratified - current record European 20491
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Free out-and-return distance 28.26 km _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15781
Parachuting G-1 4-way - Longest sequence 36 formations 20 Oct 2017 France ratified - superseded since approved European 18292
Parachuting G-1 Greatest Speed 312,8 km/h 28 May 2015 Stephen Harper (GBR) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code European 17535
Parachuting G-1 Highest Time 78,4 sec 26 May 2015 Jackie Harper (GBR) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code European 17539
Parachuting G-1 Carved Speed 70m 2,173 sec 04 Jul 2018 Cédric Veiga Rios (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved European 18629
Gliding D13.5 Speed over a triangular course of 500 km 60,43 km/h 12 Jul 2018 Ghislaine Facon (FRA) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code European 18660
Parachuting G-1 4-way - highest average for ten rounds 27,9 points 12 Oct 2018 4-way team (BEL) ratified - superseded since approved European 18740
Parachuting G-2 VFS Large Formation Sequential Head Down - 3 formations 10 skydivers 09 Aug 2020 Team/Crew ratified - current record European 19332
Parachuting G-1 Dynamic 4-way fastest time achieved in any speed round 65,551 sec 08 Apr 2022 Cawabonga (CZE) ratified - superseded since approved European 19675
