

Class Sub-Class Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Regionsort descending ID
Parachuting G-1 Highest overall average speed - Mixed Team 481,00 km/h 11 Oct 2024 Germany ratified - current record European 20554
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Speed over a triangular course of 25 km 29.2 km/h _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15761
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Gain of height 1802 m _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15949
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over an out-and-return course of 100 km 34.75 km/h _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15990
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Esfera rotations - airborne launch 8 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17127
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Infinity tumbling rotations - winch 15 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17159
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Misty flip rotations - winch 25 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17191
Parachuting G-2 Largest Formation 88 skydivers 21 Jul 2012 Team/Crew ratified - superseded since approved European 16588
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Free distance using up to 3 turn points 372,4 km 22 Jun 2018 Martin Morlet (FRA) ratified - current record European 18615
Parachuting G-1 Longest time 93,6 sec 06 Nov 2016 Espen Fadnes (NOR) ratified - superseded since approved European 18071
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Free Distance around a triangle course 329,3 km 17 Jul 2016 Honorin Hamard (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved European 17895
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-5 Free distance using up to 3 turn points 495,6 km 07 Jun 2014 Christopher Friedl (AUT) ratified - current record European 17229
Parachuting G-2 Max Distance 119,32 m 22 Jul 2017 Maxine Tate (GBR) ratified - reclassified after changes in sporting code European 19650
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 25 km 40,19 km/h 26 Jul 2023 Justin Puthod (FRA) ratified - current record European 19999
Parachuting G-1 Acrobatic Longest sequence 54 grips 22 Aug 2023 Germany ratified - current record European 20023
Parachuting G-2 Speed 2,107 sec 29 Jul 2011 Pablo Hernandez Moll (ESP) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 16370
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over an out-and-return course of 200 km 26,14 km/h 06 May 2011 Nicole Fedele (ITA) ratified - current record European 16225
Gliding D15 Free distance using up to 3 turn points 1 295,3 km 30 Mar 2024 Benjamin Bachmaier (GER) ratified - current record European 20200
Parachuting G-2 Lowest Single Round Score 5,97 sec 18 Jul 2010 Dmitri Maximov (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 16049
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Score after 10 rounds 0,04 m 05 Sep 2024 Stefan Wiesner (GER) ratified - current record European 20429
Parachuting G-1 Highest overall average speed 458,90 km/h 09 Oct 2024 Ingrid van Deelen (NED) ratified - current record European 20530
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Free Distance around a triangle course 28.26 km _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15783
Parachuting G-2 4 formations 106 skydivers 21 Sep 2013 Team/Crew ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 16944
Parachuting G-1 Longest time 92,0 sec 04 Nov 2016 Dmitry Podoryashy (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 18072
Parachuting G-2 Consecutive landings on the dead centre disc 5 x 0,00 + 0,02 m 26 Aug 2016 Sebastian Graser (AUT) ratified - current record European 17929
Parachuting G-1 533,02 km/h 06 Dec 2015 Marco Wiederkehr (SUI) ratified - superseded since approved European 17768
Gliding DW Triangle Distance 413,50 km 30 Jul 2015 Ghislaine Facon (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 17620
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Speed over a triangular course of 200 km 29,96 km/h 01 Jul 2015 Kathleen Rigg (GBR) ratified - current record European 17587
Gliding DW Free out-and-return distance 404,4 km 27 May 2015 Ghislaine Facon (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 17521
Parachuting G-1 Distance 167,90 m 04 Nov 2014 Pablo Hernández (ESP) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 17353
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Score after 5 rounds 31,80 sec 20 Aug 2014 Libor Jirousek (CZE) ratified - superseded since approved European 17289
Gliding D13 Speed over a triangular course of 100 km 102,68 km/h 24 Jul 2018 Ghislaine Facon (FRA) ratified - current record European 19450
Parachuting G-1 Highest average speed 430,53 km/h 12 Aug 2021 Elena Laktionova (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 19538
Gliding DO Speed over a triangular course of 300 km 154,07 km/h 04 Aug 2022 Bence Bódis (HUN) ratified - current record European 19749
Parachuting G-1 Lowest Score after 5 rounds 31,20 sec 27 Aug 2018 Alexei Bykov (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved European 19909
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 25 km 29,52 km/h 26 Jun 2023 Primož Suša (SLO) ratified - current record European 19979
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 25 km 28,66 km/h 30 Mar 2011 Nicole Fedele (ITA) ratified - current record European 16258
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over an out-and-return course of 100 km 33,1 km/h 13 Apr 2024 Magdalena Janaway (GBR) dossier under review European 20211
Parachuting G-2 Maximum Vertical Speed without drogue 424,63 km7h 25 May 2024 Anabel Brugger (GER) ratified - current record European 20286
Parachuting G-2 VFS Large Formation Sequential Head Up - 2 formations 21 skydivers 06 Aug 2024 Team/Crew ratified - current record European 20375
Parachuting G-1 Carved Speed 70m 1,758 sec 27 Sep 2024 Gonçalo Resende (POR) ratified - current record European 20467
Parachuting G-2 Consecutive landings on the dead centre disc 3 x 0,00 + 0,01 m 19 Jul 2007 Yevhen Manirko (UKR) ratified - superseded since approved European 14745
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-1 Speed over a triangular course of 150 km 34.6 km/h _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15748
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Speed over a triangular course of 25 km 27.1 km/h _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 15933
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Heli to SAT rotations - foot launch 10 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17149
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Aerobatic Number of Misty flip rotations - foot launch 50 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17181
Hang Gliding and Paragliding O-3 Accuracy Number of consecutive accuracy landing with a score = or < 5cm 5 _unknown (-) minimum performance to be exceeded by first claim European 17217
Parachuting G-1 4-way - highest average for ten rounds 29,80 points 22 Oct 2017 France ratified - superseded since approved European 18303
Parachuting G-2 2 formations 24 skydivers 07 Oct 2018 Team/Crew ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code European 18718
Parachuting G-1 8-way - highest average for ten rounds 30,90 points 20 Apr 2019 France 8 (FRA) ratified - current record European 18904
