

Class Sub-Classsort ascending Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Region ID
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 837.67 km/h 16 Feb 1985 Hector McMullen (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7440
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 2 000 kg payload 2 920,67 km/h 27 Oct 1967 Petr Ostapenko (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8509
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 860,65 km/h 11 Nov 2000 Glenn W. Stickel (USA) ratified - current record World 6751
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 742,09 km/h 26 Apr 1993 Dennis D. Lyons (USA) ratified - current record World 46
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 739,00 km/h 24 Jul 1984 Aziz Ojjeh (SUI) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2628
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 889.59 km/h 16 Feb 1993 John R. Gannon (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 6364
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 033,09 km/h 09 Jan 1993 Don J. Rhynalds (USA) ratified - current record World 5574
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1 020,67 km/h 13 Oct 1992 Claude Delorme (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1696
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 966,68 km/h 15 Feb 2000 Roger Mills (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6404
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 831,38 km/h 26 Dec 1999 James O. Gross (USA) ratified - current record World 6355
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 869,32 km/h 30 Sep 1999 Larry S. Mueller (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6277
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Greatest mass carried to height of 2 000 m 24 038 kg 07 Jul 1982 Marina Lavrentryvna Popovitch (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4824
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 3 000 m 1 min 09 sec 20 Jan 1999 Wayne E. Handley (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5917
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 675,83 km/h 06 May 1962 P. Wilson (GBR) ratified - superseded since approved World 7702
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 10 000 km without payload 737,35 km/h 21 Apr 1962 Ivan Soukhomline (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3671
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 9 000 m 1 min 04,758 sec 18 Feb 1962 Walter F. Daniel (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8599
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 60 000 kg payload 962,00 km/h 24 Sep 1981 G. Volokhov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4146
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 830,96 km/h 05 Jul 1998 Paul Horsting (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5533
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 814,15 km/h 11 Apr 1998 Vaughn B. Cordle (USA) ratified - current record World 5357
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 094,57 km/h 14 Mar 1990 John Hutchinson (GBR) ratified - current record World 7673
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 733,25 km/h 28 Dec 1997 Douglas R. Harper (USA) ratified - current record World 5255
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 5 000 km with 10 000 kg payload 877,21 km/h 09 Apr 1960 Ivan Soukhomline (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3662
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 743,19 km/h 06 Nov 1997 Daniel J. Clisham (USA) ratified - current record World 5058
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 877,30 km/h 17 Mar 2006 Jan D. Shagam (USA) ratified - current record World 13233
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 25 000 kg payload 13 121 m 29 Oct 1959 Boris Stepanov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9114
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 15 000 kg payload 1 015,866 km/h 01 Aug 1959 Valentine Kovaliev (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9081
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Distance 16 462,50 km 08 Apr 1958 William E. Eubank (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 16377
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 922,09 km/h 11 Apr 2005 Jan D. Shagam (USA) ratified - current record World 11321
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 3 000 m 51,15 sec 28 Feb 1957 Michel Chalard (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8610
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 90 000 kg payload 12 340 m 22 Mar 1989 Alexandre Galunenko (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8966
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed around the world, non-stop and non-refuelled 550,78 km/h 03 Mar 2005 Steve Fossett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 10894
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 2 000 kg payload 37 080 m 22 Jul 1977 Alexandr Fedotov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8746
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 958,68 km/h 14 Feb 1989 Lyle Shelton (USA) ratified - current record World 7672
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 782,64 km/h 18 May 1988 Andrew W. Dulay (USA) ratified - current record World 7693
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 70 000 kg payload 857,657 km/h 07 Jul 1975 Alexandre Turumine (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8573
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 838,84 km/h 19 Jul 1996 David F. Specht (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 3254
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km without payload 720,13 km/h 22 May 1948 Jacqueline Cochran (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 4479
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1243,87 km/h 24 Feb 1988 John Brady (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 16516
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 30 000 m 3 min 27.799s 01 Feb 1975 Roger J. Smith (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8520
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 2 000 kg payload 588,46 km/h 17 May 1946 E.M. Grabowski (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13330
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 846,41 km/h 29 Jan 1988 Clay Lacy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 10332
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 975,26 km/h 21 Dec 1987 Robert F. Olszewski (USA) ratified - current record World 5568
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 045,60 km/h 05 Feb 1996 Richard A. Saber (USA) ratified - current record World 3105
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 828,68 km/h 26 Oct 2019 Pankul Mathur (IND) ratified - current record World 19146
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 794,12 km/h 14 Jun 1987 Allen E. Paulson (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2468
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 868,89 km/h 08 Mar 2020 Ashutosh Shekhar (IND) ratified - current record World 19251
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 785,22 km/h 08 Aug 1995 Larry Liguori (USA) ratified - current record World 2814
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 943,97 km/h 09 Jun 1995 Clay Lacy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2720
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course, round trip 168,26 km/h 20 Nov 1937 A.E. Clouston (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13259
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 35 000 kg payload 608,45 km/h 21 Feb 1972 Marina Lavrentryvna Popovitch (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3734
