

Class Sub-Classsort ascending Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Region ID
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 230 000 kg payload 763,20 km/h 11 Sep 2001 Olexander Halunenko (UKR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7233
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 884.60 km/h 01 Sep 2001 Jan D. Shagam (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 7103
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 028,12 km/h 13 Dec 1984 Stephen Lutz (USA) ratified - current record World 7766
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1 194,17 km/h 30 Jul 2001 Steve Fossett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7071
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 918 km/h 09 Jan 2013 Donald R. Hill (USA) ratified - current record World 16729
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 765,70 km/h 14 Jun 2001 Rodney R. Lundy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7004
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 2 000 kg payload 959,94 km/h 02 Apr 1960 Viktor Kovalev (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4555
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 714,24 km/h 24 Jul 1984 Aziz Ojjeh (SUI) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2625
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a straight 15/25 km course 2 455,736 km/h 15 Dec 1959 Joseph W. Rogers (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9061
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 885,22 km/h 26 Feb 1993 Herbert L. Dabelow (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 5646
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 778,89 km/h 28 Nov 1992 Vaughn B. Cordle (USA) ratified - current record World 2065
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1 411,34 km/h 13 Oct 1992 Claude Delorme (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1693
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 626,50 km/h 05 Oct 1992 Vaughn B. Cordle (USA) ratified - current record World 2052
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 771,53 km/h 23 Jul 1992 Ian G. Haigh (AUS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13337
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a straight 15/25 km course 1 151 km/h 31 May 1955 Jacqueline Auriol (FRA) ratified - superseded since approved World 9074
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 901,13 km/h 19 Jun 1992 Barry Schiff (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1274
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 981,44 km/h 23 Mar 2000 Steve Fossett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6472
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 895,35 km/h 05 Mar 1992 Dwight V. Whitaker (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2722
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 999,64 km/h 01 Mar 2000 George W. Murphy, Jr (USA) ratified - current record World 6423
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 033,2 km/h 01 Feb 1983 R.C. Bowman (USA) ratified - current record World 7666
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 965,43 km/h 14 Nov 1999 Geoffrey Mussett (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6318
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 40 000 kg payload 856,697 km/h 04 Jul 1975 Alexandre Turumine (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8935
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km without payload 974,026 km/h 12 Apr 1948 John Douglas Derry (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8877
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a 3 km course 543,36 km/h 16 Mar 1947 Margaret M. Hurlburt (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 12284
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 15 000 m 1 min 17,042 sec 16 Jan 1975 Gary Peterson (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8521
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 115 000 kg payload 796,584 km/h 19 Apr 1946 Robert A. Baird (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8886
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 206,97 km/h 23 Sep 1974 Rodolfo Faccini (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 12300
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km without payload 492,80 km/h 09 Jul 1982 Galina G. Kortchouganova (URS) ratified - superseded since approved World 12869
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 886,14 km/h 06 Jul 1991 Thomas W. Mayer (USA) ratified - current record World 5571
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 3 000 m 59,1 sec 07 Jun 1974 Svetlana Savitskaya (RUS) ratified - superseded since approved World 12906
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 1 000 kg payload 10 760 m 11 May 1982 Marina Lavrentryvna Popovitch (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5085
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 392,51 km/h 20 Mar 1982 Jean-Paul Le Moel (FRA) ratified - current record World 1270
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 30 000 m 4 min 3,86 sec 04 Jun 1973 Petr Ostapenko (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9091
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 714,55 km/h 20 Dec 1990 Félix J. Villaverde (USA) ratified - current record World 7670
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 795,37 km 04 Jun 2021 Gregory E. Madonna (USA) ratified - current record World 19472
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 354,7 km/h 13 Jul 2007 James E, Sheridan (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 14723
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 40 000 kg payload 975,30 km/h 22 Sep 1981 G. Volokhov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4134
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 309,71 km/h 22 Aug 1998 Terrance L. Jantzi (CAN) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5734
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 30 000 kg payload 593,32 km/h 19 Feb 1972 Marina Lavrentryvna Popovitch (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3730
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 923,22 km/h 07 Dec 2021 Thomas Alan Sowell (USA) ratified - current record World 19618
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 674,9 km/h 19 Jan 2007 Scott S. Evans (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 14423
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 600,68 km/h 31 Mar 1990 Geoffrey Mussett (GBR) ratified - current record World 5628
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 756,45 km/h 15 Oct 2006 W. Arthur St. Clair (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 14240
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 740,58 km/h 21 Feb 1998 Bernard R. Ozbolt (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5298
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 949,79 km/h 09 Jan 1998 Christian Kennedy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5271
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 791,28 km/h 23 Sep 1989 Richard Norton (USA) ratified - current record World 7777
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 993,95 km/h 22 Sep 1997 Clay Lacy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4994
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a 3 km course 850.24 km/h 21 Aug 1989 Lyle Shelton (USA) ratified - current record World 8437
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 356,95 km/h 06 Sep 1997 Dawn Bartsch (CAN) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 5161
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 822,11 km/h 19 Nov 2005 William D. Ward (USA) ratified - current record World 12210
