

Class Sub-Class Type of record Performance Date Claimant Statussort descending Region ID
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a straight 15/25 km course 2 259,538 km/h 16 May 1958 Walter W. Irwin (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9063
Rotorcraft E-1 Speed over a recognised course 312.23 km/h 07 Oct 1981 Lawrence Graves (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 10275
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Distance over a closed course 2 002,60 km 11 Sep 1957 Jouri Alacheev (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4549
Parachuting G-2 VFS Large Formation Sequential Head Down - 3 formations 42 skydivers 30 Jun 2018 Team/Crew ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 18624
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F5 Open Speed in a closed circuit: 191 62,15 km/h 17 Jun 1990 Wolfgang Schaeper (GER) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1748
Rotorcraft E-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km without payload 228,39 km/h 12 Jul 1956 Claude E. Hargett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13068
Rotorcraft E-1 Altitude without payload 6 739 m 02 Sep 1953 Russel M. Dobyns (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2185
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 686,56 km/h 24 Apr 1950 John Cunningham (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6378
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 45 000 kg payload 857,657 km/h 07 Jul 1975 Alexandre Turumine (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8568
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 35 000 m 4 min 11,7 sec 17 May 1975 Alexandr Fedotov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9072
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course, round trip 320,65 km/h 15 Feb 1975 Gerard W. Connolly (IRL) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13775
Rotorcraft E-1 Speed over a recognised course 298.36 km/h 27 Dec 1979 Nicholas Micskey (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3415
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 10 000 kg payload 575,71km/h 19 May 1946 J.D. Bartlett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 10408
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1F Distance in a straight line: 010 5 237,5 m 03 Aug 1974 Giulio Pelegi (ITA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2363
Powered Aeroplanes N Time to climb to a height of 6 000 m 7 min 21 sec 18 May 1989 Frank D. Hadden (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1562
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km with 135 000 kg payload 813,09 km/h 22 Mar 1989 Alexandre Galunenko (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8955
Powered Aeroplanes C-3 Distance over a closed course 2 562.90 km 25 Oct 1973 Vladimir Sviatochniouk (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9781
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 2 000 kg payload 35 230 m 25 Jul 1973 Alexandr Fedotov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4244
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F5 Open Distance to goal and return: 195 98,29 km 18 Oct 2014 Jüri Laidna (EST) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 17335
Powered Aeroplanes C-3 Speed over a closed circuit of 2 000 km without payload 533.23 km/h 26 Oct 1972 Guenadi Efimov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3646
Powered Aeroplanes N Speed over a straight 15/25 km course 421,96 km/h 01 Dec 1988 Robert F. Olszewski (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1565
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F3 Open Distance in a straight line: 163 115,00 km 02 Oct 1988 Jean-Philippe Allogne (FRA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2446
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 90 000 kg payload 763,20 km/h 11 Sep 2001 Olexander Halunenko (UKR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7205
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 175 000 kg payload 10 750 m 11 Sep 2001 Olexander Halunenko (UKR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7237
Powered Aeroplanes C-1t Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 75 000 kg payload 763,20 km/h 11 Sep 2001 Olexander Halunenko (UKR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7269
Powered Aeroplanes C-1t Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 235 000 kg payload 763,20 km/h 11 Sep 2001 Olexander Halunenko (UKR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7301
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 888,97 km/h 30 Jan 1988 Clay Lacy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 10344
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 1 134,69 km/h 28 Jul 2001 Steve Fossett (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7069
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 5 000 km with 5 000 kg payload 1 054,21 km/h 17 Sep 1987 H. Brent Hedgpeth (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4190
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 692,91 km/h 14 Jun 2001 Rodney R. Lundy (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7008
Powered Aeroplanes C-2 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km with 1 000 kg payload 536.074 km/h 21 Apr 1970 Anatoli Zakharov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9141
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 259,96 km/h 09 Oct 1995 Michael J. Baker (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2997
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Time to climb to a height of 6 000 m 37,05 sec 15 Nov 1986 Victor G. Pugachev (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 3757
Gliding DW Free Distance 793,72 km 11 Jul 2011 William B. Snead (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 16272
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 156,89 km/h 06 Oct 1986 Jeffrey Ross (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13631
Gliding D1 Speed over a triangular course of 1 000 km 169,72 km/h 05 Jan 1995 Helmut H. Fischer (GER) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2338
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 2 000 kg payload 29 977 m 05 Oct 1967 Alexandr Fedotov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 8745
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F1D Duration (ceiling 8m - 15m): 125-b 34 min 6 sec 06 Jun 2010 Zoltan Sukosd (HUN) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 16035
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 170,14 km/h 19 Nov 1985 Colin W. Yarnton (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6522
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 846,34 km/h 21 Feb 2000 Roger Mills (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6411
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Altitude with 155 000 kg payload 10 750 m 26 Jul 1985 Vladimir Tersky (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 4182
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 909,16 km/h 14 Nov 1999 Geoffrey Mussett (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6322
Gliding D2 Gain of height 11 680 m 05 Nov 1966 Stanislaw Jozefczak (POL) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 364
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 10 000 km without payload 964,95 km/h 07 Apr 1994 Michael S. Menser (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1308
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 837.67 km/h 16 Feb 1985 Hector McMullen (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 7440
Powered Aeroplanes N Altitude with 5 000 kg payload 12 309 m 14 May 1999 Lyle H. Schaefer (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 6107
Powered Aeroplanes C-1c Speed over a recognised course 281,929 km/h 08 Feb 1985 David S. Innes ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 13626
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a closed circuit of 1 000 km without payload 2 319,12 km/h 16 Mar 1965 Alexandr Fedotov (URS) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 9095
Powered Aeroplanes C-1b Speed over a recognised course 221,2 km/h 28 Dec 2007 Steve Wood (GBR) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 14909
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 739,00 km/h 24 Jul 1984 Aziz Ojjeh (SUI) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 2628
